Malays question Umno after 50 years in power

The New Straits Times Online……..

..”They have mistakenly associated the welfare of the Malays with Umno, and that’s why there is all this talk about a crisis. So if Umno does not do well in the elections, they interpret this as the Malays being threatened.

It was not the Malays that lost out (in the election), it was Umno.

4M’s claim that it represents Malays is also undermined by the results of the last general election, when tens of thousands helped elect 40 Malay MPs from non-Umno parties.

Says Syed Husin: “Malays are actually asking, what has Umno really done for them despite being in power for the past 50 years? The largest segment of the poor are still the Malays.”

MohammadAgus says the general election results reflect a maturity in the Malay electorate. At heart is a question of identity, he says: “Whether the Malays will subscribe to a politics of enthnocentric dominance or something more inclusive.

“The diversity among Malay politicians now, with their different ideologies and beliefs, can only be a good thing as they compete with each other for the vote of the community. The best Malay politician will emerge.”


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Umno’s arrogance of power

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Umno’s formula – turn everything racial

Malays question Umno after 50 years in power

Posted in bernas, harapan, malaysia baru
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